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📓 Journal #17

You were asked to keep a journal while going through the program. Each weekend you'll receive a brief journaling assignment in addition to your coding homework. (Review the Journaling at Epicodus lesson for a refresher.)

Journal #17 Prompt​

Think critically about the following questions, and record brief yet honest responses. Include a date or timestamp and quick summary of the prompt to refer to later.

In your very first journal entry we asked you to identify why you were here, and what you hope to achieve at Epicodus. Turn back to that journal entry and review it now. Then assess your progress on these goals by responding to the following questions:

  • Did you make progress toward achieving these goals? Why or why not.

  • Do you still have work to do to achieve your goals? Record what you still need to do, and write at least 3 tangible steps you can take in the coming weeks to continue progressing.

  • Have your goals changed since your first week? If so, how?

Next, consider the next steps on your journey by reflecting upon the following questions:

  • You'll spend 5 weeks interning with an actual tech company before beginning your own job search. Identify at least 3 things you can do to make the most of this experience. How can you best enable yourself to learn a ton? To gain valuable contacts in the industry? To build a network that will assist in your job search?

  • Then, looking beyond the internship, what can you begin doing now to ensure success in your future job search? List anything applicable, whether small or large. (Do you need a new interview outfit? Should you study up on technologies your dream company uses? Should you further build your portfolio while working at your internship?) Make a game plan to begin tackling these things now. Don't lose momentum.


We'll discuss our responses at our next class session. Make sure your responses are recorded before then!