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✏️ Functional Programming with JavaScript Independent Project

Independent Projects Overview

Before you begin your project, make sure to take a moment to review the Independent Projects and Code Reviews lesson.

We also suggest that you review the lessons related to whiteboarding, being an interviewer, and giving constructive feedback earlier in this course section.

Functional Programming Project Objectives

During your normally scheduled independent project time, you will prepare for your whiteboard interview session.

Your submission will be reviewed for the following objectives:

  • Whiteboard solution has been submitted.
  • Whiteboard interview meets all requirements (based on peer feedback).
  • Your evaluations for peers are complete and include constructive feedback.


Your instructor will plan out when you will conduct the group whiteboard interview, which could be this week or next depending on the program you are enrolled in and other scheduling concerns. Check in with your instructor about the exact schedule, timing, and structure of this event and when your Epicenter submissions are due.

After each student's whiteboard interview in your group, you will submit the feedback rubric you complete via the form available in the Peer Evaluations tab on Epicenter. After you are finished with the entire group whiteboard interview, you will submit your whiteboard solution to the Functional Programming with JavaScript code review on Epicenter.

Visit Independent Projects and Code Reviews for details on how to submit, how feedback works and course completion requirements.