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📓 Capstone Timeline, Deadlines, and Brainstorming Homework

Unlike your previous courses here at Epicodus, you will work independently on a capstone project of your choosing during the last course section of React. This project should act as a cumulative demonstration of the skills you’ve gained throughout your time at Epicodus.

In this lesson, we'll go over the timeline for key deadlines, share capstone topic ideas, cover F.A.Q.s, and assign your first capstone-related homework: brainstorming capstone ideas now.


Class Time Dedicated to Capstone Work​

In total, you will be expected to put at least 40 hours of work into your capstone during the time we provide you to work on your project in class and in lieu of regular independent coding projects for certain course sections. If you have any questions about this, check in with your instructor. All students (part-time and full-time) will have this time dedicated to work on their capstone projects:

  • React with Redux: Your normally scheduled time to complete an independent coding project will be spent working on your capstone.

  • React with NoSQL: Your normally scheduled time to complete an independent coding project will be spent working on your capstone project.

  • React with APIs: Your normally scheduled time to complete an independent coding project will be spent working on your capstone project.

  • Independent Capstone: You will spend this entire course section working on your capstone.

You are welcome to put in more work outside of class time if you like and are able to.


Keep the following deadlines in mind. You’ll receive more information about each as they near:

  • Capstone Sign-Up: You will sign up with a descriptive, one-sentence summary of your project on the designated whiteboard or online doc during the React with Redux course section. This sign-up will be public to your cohort. Your instructor may ask for more or less information, and you need to follow their instructions.

    • Due date: For full-time and part-time students, this is due at the start of the React with Redux course section.
  • Capstone Proposal: You are required to submit a project proposal outlining your MVP (minimum viable product) for the React with Redux code review. More information, including the proposal form may be found here.

    • Due date: For full-time and part-time students, this will be turned in as part of your React with Redux code review.
  • Trade Show: Similar to the group projects you've completed in other courses, you are required to pitch and demo your application to your Epicodus classmates during the final class session. More information may be found here. This is good practice for pitching your application to potential employers.

    • Due date: For full-time and part-time students, the trade show happens on the very last day of class. This is also when you will submit your capstone on Epicenter as your final independent project.

Brainstorming Homework​

Your homework is to begin brainstorming potential project ideas now, so you’ll be prepared for these deadlines.

Try to craft a project idea that's both complex enough to demonstrate the multi-faceted skillset you’ve acquired yet still reasonable enough to complete over the next few months (beyond your time at Epicodus).

Past Student Work​

Here are a few examples of projects past students have built independently in past cohorts:

  • Applications to rank, track, score, and record results of various sports and game matches (everything from video games, to bowling, foosball, table games, kickball, and intramural sports). Including creating player leaderboards, and social areas to connect players.
  • Fully-functioning websites for the businesses of friends and family (including catering companies, dog breeders, local stores, and other companies)
  • Applications to manage tasks or productivity, including timers to use the Pomodoro method manage video game development
  • Social organizers to create and share events with friends.
  • Applications that assist in user's health; including creating unique workout plans, timing workouts, connecting individuals to exercise together, creating or recommend diet plans, tracking calories, etc.
  • Apps that contain sound, video, step tracking, using the microphone, gyroscope, camera, or other system function.
  • API consuming apps that work with specific APIs to display data for various applications, including social media, health monitoring, and task management.
  • Applications that focus on working with a specific library (like Three.js), framework (like Unity), or platform (like creating a desktop app or browser extension).
  • Tools to catalog items; including the contents of your fridge, in-home bar, or other hobby-specific inventories.
  • Trivia games to test your knowledge in different specialized areas.
  • Applications and websites to track and rate local favorites: Including restaurants, coffee shops, gyms, bars, and more.
  • Tools to connect people with benefactors and crowdsourced funding in their area, to fund art installations, charitable causes, community programs, and more.
  • Websites and applications that compile resources into a single, easy-to-navigate spot. Including resources for the homeless, emergency preparation, etc.
  • E-commerce sites for real-life businesses, compete with functionality to make and process orders, and accept payment.

You will have time during your normally scheduled code review for React with Redux to complete your capstone proposal. However, you can get started early if you like: start by reviewing the capstone proposal lesson for more details on requirements and the proposal template.


  • Q: Can I keep working on the app I have been working on previously in the program?
    • A: Generally not. The idea is to conceive of, plan and then create something completely independently without a blueprint app. If you have a compelling reason why you need to keep working on your app, check with your teacher. Do not just keep working without being given permission first.
  • Q: Does it have to be an app using what I've learned from my classes?
    • A: No. We recommend creating an application that utilizes knowledge from your React, JavaScript, and/or C#/.NET classes. However, many students like to use their capstone project to explore a new language, library, framework, or otherwise. If you decide to learn a new tool for your capstone, you need to make sure to budget a lot of time for learning, carefully plan your time to stay focused, and consider whether or not 40 hours of dedicated class time will be enough time to create an MVP. If you have any doubt about what's best for you to pursue, check in with your teacher.
  • Q: When are the deadlines again?
    • A: Review the section titled "timeline" in this lesson for a list of deadlines. Your capstone sign-up (for your class to see, a short description that does not need to be final) and proposal are both due in the React with Redux course section.
  • Q: I will be out of town for the trade show. Is that a problem?
    • A: Check with your teacher to find an alternative time (sooner) to demo your app to your instructor to receive feedback.
  • Q: Can I partner with someone else to create my app?
    • A: Generally no. You are not allowed to pair program on your capstone, but you can still consult peers, clients, teachers, or other resources. The final project should 100% be your work. If you have any doubts about this, check in with your instructor.
  • Q: Can I show something in the trade show that is totally different than the app I proposed without telling my teacher and have that be fine?
    • A: No. You need to stick with the project you've proposed!